The Stories of Leslie Schmidt

My stories are about little girls and their loves (mostly). If you're looking for torture, sadomasochism, or anyone hurting little girls, you've come to the wrong place.

Story codes: Mg, Mgg, mg, Fg.


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A fellow is watching his girlfriend’s six year old when she calls him into her room. So, who’s molesting whom?

Angel Lips:

One of the ‘Angel’ series. Jenny learns that her mouth is for more than eating lunch.

Angel's Toy:

Jenny discovers a new toy to play with.

Baby Oil:

There’s lots of fun stuff to be found on the changing table!

Bath Time:

Doesn't everyone have pictures or videos of their little ones in the bath? Part 1 of 2.

Part 2

Bed Warmer:

A robber baron’s manservant leaves his master a nice surprise in his bedchamber.

Billy's Story:

A young man and his best friend are discovered enjoying some videos by his little sister. Then they convince her to make a solo movie of her own.

Prequel to 'Doyle's Story'


One of the ‘Angel’ series. Camping in a tent on a snowy night can really be kind of fun.

Client too Young:

One of the “Child Sex Therapist” stories. Our friend takes on a client that he really shouldn’t. Then, sometime later, he looses his professionalism when he meets her at the mall. Part 1 of 4.

Part 2 Part 3 Part 4


The Brothers Grimm never had it so good!

Cute Pussy:

A fellow discovers that his friend likes to share a lot more than a few brews.

Daddy-Daughter Nightclub:

A special place for daddy-daughter dates.


A little girl’s diary about her first boyfriend.

Disney Nights:

A trip to Disney World with the ‘Angel’.

Doyle's Story:

Doyle is asked to watch Billy’s little sister while Billy is at football practice. They watch some videos too.

Sequel to ‘Billy’s Story’. In order to fully enjoy this story, you should read 'Billy's Story' first.

First Kill:

Mystical creatures of the forest can be a real danger to unsuspecting woodsmen. (Not my usual lighthearted fare).

The Girl from DR:

Helping out an undocumented immigrant yields an unexpected reward.

Lethal Lolita:

There’s a lot more to this little girl than some guys expect—and they end up regretting it, for a very short time. Part 1 of 3.

Part 2 Part 3

Lethal Lolita Revisited:

Another encounter with Megan Massy—this time with a happy ending.

Los Angeles Thanksgiving:

Sequel to ‘Wisconsin Summer’ In order to fully enjoy this story, you should read 'Wisconsin Summer' first.

Loving Sarah:

Uncle Ted has a special relationship with his niece.

Morning Lesson:

The first of the “Child Sex Therapist” stories. A regular morning for our friend with the best job in the world. (This is an update of 'Afternoon Lesson' with some consistancy errors corrected.)

My Angel:

The first in the ‘Angel’ series.

My Brother's Child:

A fellow discovers that he and his brother have a lot in common.

My Sweetheart:

Another of the ‘Angel’ series.

Night Storms:

What could improve on a life spent bumming around the Caribbean on a sailboat? Part 1 of 3.

Part 2 Part 3

On the Interactions Between Teens and Tweens:

An, ahhh, scholarly article (?).

Onboard the Daisy:

Set in 1773 and 1774, these two letters between two young gentlemen tells the story of why one is being sent to India by his father and how his friend helps in a difficult situation. I was inspired by the first truely erotic English novel, "Fanny Hill", published in 1749 by John Cleland. The idea of writing in the 18th Century style was a challenge I couldn't pass up.
(This is my personal favorite of all my stories)

Pedophile's Dream-Prolog:

Prolog to an entire series. The title says it all. Nine parts.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Epilogue

Pick Pocket:

Beware of pick pockets on the Rome underground.

Princess Hands:

Our 'Angel' learns something new.


Primitive cultures have some different ceremonies.

Roller Coaster Ride:

A co-worker asks a buddy to watch his ten year old for a few days. Part 1 of 3.

Part 2 Part 3

Seven Year Old Nympho:

Not too hard to figure out. This was my first story. Part 1 of 2.

Part 2


Don't you love to cuddle like spoons? In two episodes, set years apart. Part 1 of 2

Part 2:

Sri Lanken Lover:

An American businessman working in Colombo rescues a street urchin. Part 1 of 2.

Part 2

Stories of the Child Bride One:

In the future, marriage customs may be different.

Stories of the Child Bride Two:

In the past, marriage customs were different.

Subic Bay Memories:

The Navy--It's not just a job, it's an adventure!

Summer Musings:

An 'Angel' story. Jenny has grown up quite a bit--but not too much.

Tales for Rm 102:

What you'll see with hidden cameras.

Teaching Sadie to Jerk Off:

A sheltered child needs to learn some things about herself.

The Dream:

He thought it was just a great dream, until he woke up!

The Making of Night Storms:

They decided to make 'Night Storms' into a movie. Part 1 of 7.

Personally, I think this is my hottest story.

Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7

The Mask:

There's sometimes magic in those Marde Gras masks.

The Model:

A catalog photographer has a lot of fun when one of his clients has to stay over for the night.

The Orphanage:

Back in medieval times some monasteries and convents became quite independent.


Mommy leaves her little girl with her cousin.

Uncle Brian:

A girl helps out with her Daddy's business plans.

While Her Mom was Out:

A couple of truck drivers share.

White Stuff:

Fun on a hunting lease. One of my earliest stories.

Wisconsin Summer:

A teenager isn't too happy with the plans to spend the summer away from the coast in the heartland--until he meets his little cousin.

Prequel to 'Los Angeles Thanksgiving'

William James: Child Sex Therapist--Client too Young Part 2

by Leslie Schmidt

"So, honey, did you have fun at Mr. James' today?"

The little girl looked uncomfortable as she stopped working to spear a hot dog wheel among the macaroni and cheese on her plate.

"I guess sooo?" the little one said, looking sheepishly at her mother.

"She did wonderfully, ... didn't you dear?" Judy felt rising anxiety, she certainly did NOT want Taylor telling her husband what had happened at the end of the session.

"What did he do?" Joe looked up at his wife.

"He went down on her, he really got her off."

"So," turning back to the five year old, "he kissed your privates?"

The little girl squirmed, looking more embarrassed, "yeah???"

"Did you like that?"

"He...he made me feel all shaky in my belly... he licked me on my privates ... and it made me all shaky and shivery."

"Is that all he did?"

"Yeah, he needs to get her confidence before he does anything more. The first session was all about her," Judy interrupted.

"He didn't do anything else?" Joe looked at his wife.

"No, he'll start to introduce more tomorrow."

"Do you want to go see Mr. James again?" turning to the child.

"I guess so...." She finally speared the hotdog and started munching on it.

At 10 the next morning Judy and Taylor were met at the door and, again, sat in Bill's living room drinking tea and sodas.

"Today, I'd like to take her back into my bedroom," Bill started, "you can watch on the video monitor," he nodded to the TV which showed an open view of a comfortable bedroom. "There are several cameras, they're controlled from here," he handed Judy a complicated looking remote that was attached to a computer by a USB cable. "The 'Camera' button switches you through the cameras, the joystick controls the pan and there are buttons for zoom and volume."

Judy played with it for just a minute, checking out the different controls, "Oh, ok, ... looks simple enough."

"Ok," Bill looked up at Taylor who was watching an X rated Amie cartoon. "Taylor, honey, come with me dear." He stood up and held out his hand to the little one who looked nervous and questioningly at her mother.

"He's going to take you to another room and make you feel all shaky again, honey."

"Are you coming too?" the child asked.

"No honey, I'm going to stay here and watch on the TV, see?" The picture of the queen bed with a brown coverlet panned back and forth. "I'll be right next door."

"Come on, dear, it'll be real fun," Bill added.

With a last look at her mother, the little one got up off the floor and went to Bill. She took his hand, then smiled nervously up at him.

"Ok," he said, and led the child down the hall.

They entered the bedroom and Bill closed the door. "Go climb on the bed, Taylor," he said. The five year old ran over and jumped, landing on her hands and knees at the foot, then bouncing to the middle before she roll onto her back and sat up, facing him.

"I'm supposed to teach you how to make men really happy, do you want to learn that?"

Taylor got a serious look on her face. "I guess so."

"Do you remember how I made you feel all bubbly inside yesterday?"


"Do you want me to do that again?"

"I guess so," the little blonde looked around the room.

"Ok, then let's get started." Bill paused, "First, if you want to make a man really happy you have to take your clothes off. Will you do that for me?"

"I'm not sure ... Mommy might get mad at me."

"You were naked yesterday and your mommy didn't mind. Anyway, if you want we can ask her."


Bill looked up at one of the cameras, "Judy, would you join us for a second?"

Only a few seconds later there was a light knock on the door and Judy looked around it. "It's ok, honey ... do whatever Mr. James asks."

"Ok, Mommy," Taylor said, not too certainly.

Judy quietly closed the door and went back into the living room.

"Ok, honey," Bill said, "now, men really like it when little girls just jump out of their clothes. How fast do you think you can pull all your clothes off."

"I don't know???"

"Want'a race?-I know I can beat you."

The little girl giggled, "That's silly."

"Well, do you think you can beat me?"


"Ok," Bill reached across and took her hands, leading her off the bed.

"First, let's see who can get they're shoes off fastest." Bill was wearing a pair of sneakers with no socks, Taylor was in flip flops.

"Are you ready!" he paused. "One, Two, Three, GO!"

Needless to say, Bill was still trying to slip out of his first shoe by the time Taylor had stepped out of her flip flops.

"Oh! You cheated!" Bill laughed with the little girl.

"I did not!"

"Yes you did-you didn't even have shoes!"

"These are shoes!" the blonde demanded.

"O---k, I guess so," Bill conceded. He paused, "Now, who can pull they're shirt off first? You say go."


Bill was taken by surprise and hadn't even started by the time Taylor had her shirt off. Again she was laughing at him.

"Now, that WAS cheating!" Bill laughed.

"Ok, it's time for our pants now. We'll do our pants and our undies at the same time, ok?"

"Ooookkkk," the five year old giggled.

"One, Two,"

"GO!" she yelled and jerked her blue shorts and white panties down to her ankles.

Again Bill was surprised as he pulled his gym shorts free of his hardening cock, then stepped out of them. "I guess you beat me," he said in a resigned voice. "Now, I need to show you how to sit so a man will really like looking at you."

The change in subject, back to the lessons, calmed the little one down suddenly, a serious expression passed over her face.

"First, sit down on the bed-no slide back to the middle-that's great, now lean back on your hands, don't hold your knees like that." Now that she leaned back her knees naturally fell apart slightly, opening her thighs so her lovely hairless pussy could be seen, not just the hint of her clam peeking out between her thighs.

"You're really beautiful, now straighten out one of your legs some-that's great." Bill's cock was firming more, now it was at half staff, pointing down at a 45 degree angle. "You're so pretty, can I take some pictures of you?"

The next ten minutes were taken up in the photo session. Any five year old becomes a ham in front of a camera, in fact, Bill used this often as a way to get his clients to relax, making them comfortable and feeling pretty to themselves. As it was, Bill got many splendid pictures of Taylor. He'd have to keep them to himself, however, because he could have lost his accreditation if the agency found out he had accepted such a young girl.

"Do you like being a model?" Bill asked as he snapped a picture of the little one sitting up against the head board, spreading her tiny pussy lips and showing off her rice sized clit.


"Do you ever rub yourself down there?"

She paused for a moment, thinking, "Nooooo," she giggled.

"A lot of girls really love to rub themselves."

The little one experimentally moved her finger down her slit, Bill's cock gave a lurch at the sight, he snapped three more pictures. Her reaction was immediate, she relaxed and lost focus as she moved her finger from side to side over her clit. Then, her expression changed and became more cautious as she probed down further and pushed her finger into the opening of her pussy. She pushed further in and felt a twinge of pain, then moved back to her clit.

Watching the tiny one masturbating was too much for Bill as he was also stroking himself, bring his cock to full hardness. "Scooch down, honey, I'll make you all shaky again."

That brought Taylor back and she slid down to the side of the bed, helped by Bill who gently pulled her knees along until her ass was on the edge. Kneeling next to the bed, Bill was surprised to realize that this was the youngest girl he had ever been with, he had always scrupulously followed the guidelines, even turned away a couple of eight year olds who were below the required 60 pounds, telling their parents to bring them back in a few months.

The sight of her perfect tiny pussy almost caused Bill the jerk himself off right then, spraying the coverlet, he had to discipline himself to let go of his dick. He reached up and spread the little rounded lips with his thumbs, making her pink clit stick out even more, then leaned down and started licking her.

For the first few seconds the child peered over, her mouth open as she watched the man licking her most sensitive parts but then she was taken by an intense orgasm and fell back on the bed, humping her pussy into his face. She grabbed his hair and pushed him harder against her sex as she spread her legs as wide as they would go to ease his efforts. After three rolling orgasms she had to push him away, panting.

Bill was almost beyond control, he had never seen such intense sexuality in any of his clients before. He prided himself in his ability to make young girls comfortable with sex, teach them about themselves and men, show them the joys of being naked with a man. In every session, he had managed to get every girl to have at least one orgasm but the overwhelming depth of this little girl's climaxes was new to him.

He had also lost his professional detachment, his own need to cum was so great. Without any explanation he lifted up and started rubbing his cock against the child's slit. She seemed to accept this as natural, understanding his feelings and drives as she looked down at his cock head moving up and down her crack. The feeling began to build in her again as his dick slid along her clit and she lifted her legs, spreading them wider for him.

Bill was totally enthralled with the sight of his cock against this tiny cunt as he was taken over, holding his glans against the hard little clit, then pushing at the entrance of her womb, then sliding back up across the incredibly smooth and soft skin of the rise of her sex.

He completely lost perspective, his first shot of cum shooting a rope across her belly, a big blob of white landing just inside her left nipple. He pulled back and filled her slit with his goo, then pushed at the entrance and pumped more cum inside the tiny child. He fired more semen across her belly and chest, some landing on her throat, before his last dribbles filled the creases and crevices of her sex.

"Oh, God, you're wonderful," he panted as Taylor tentatively smeared the jez on her stomach.

"That's gooy," she said. Then she looked up at him with a quizzical expression. "Did you do that in mommy's mouth?"

"Yes, dear, that was wonderful."

She took some on her finger and licked it off. "Ok," was all she said.

Bill pulled a towel he kept hidden under the bed out and started cleaning the five year old up. There was a knock at the door.

Later, as Taylor and Judy were leaving, as Judy wrote the check, she asked, "What do you do with the videos and pictures?"

"Oh," Bill walked across to the DVD recorder and ejected the disk. "The disk is yours. As for the pictures, I really can't do anything with them, do you want them?"

"I know my husband would really like them, he'll probably post them on his MySpace page."

"I'll burn them to a disk for you tomorrow," Bill said.

As the girls walked down the sidewalk to their car, Bill heard Judy say, "Tomorrow he's going to teach you how to suck his white stuff out of his penis like I did."

Part 3